Nuts & Bolts Of Church Operations
Since the church occupies such a critical place in a Christian’s life, we must understand God’s design. Through the books of 1, 2 Timothy and Titus, God has inspired instructions so Christians will know how the Church should operate and function. This study examines these books so Christians can understand how God’s design for church operation is implemented in His congregations.
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Biblical Beatitudes [Download]
God has revealed to man certain instructions on how happiness can be secured while living on earth. These instructions are summarized in “Beatitudes” that are found throughout the Bible and offer the Christian direction so that he can rest in the happiness that God offers.
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A Study Of The Holy Spirit
This series examines various aspects of the Holy Spirit, but it cannot clarify all the confusion. Some questions about the Holy Spirit are unknowable (Deut. 29:29). However, some questions about the Holy Spirit are knowable and are discussed in the lessons.
$8.99 – $10.99 -
Making God In Our Image [Download]
This study looks at this tragic development even in our modern day. The allure of idolatry is even stronger in our modern times. Modern idolatry does not seek to fashion God from stones and wood but seeks to remake God in our image.
$8.99 – $10.99